Site Map

Plan de site épingle

The site map  will allow you to find yourself in the blog:  The photo for dummies . I classify the articles in pages which are accessible both by the table of contents above, or by clicking on the title of the headings below. Each section offers a drop-down menu with the list of its articles. As in all our pages you find the internal search engine. The newsletter subscription links, return to homepage and contact page are also available.


The Dikofoto pages contain the definitions of the words used in the practice of photography, which we find throughout our articles. Go to the letter A

Research, links

To follow our publications

Back to home

Contact us

The magazine

Plan de site, Le magazine

In this section, you will find internal information articles and links to other sites on photo-related events.The list below gives direct access to our publications in Le magazine

The shop

Plan de site, la boutique

The shop primarily presents books on the photo. Then there are useful accessories for the practice of our art.And here are the selections that we offer in The photo shop for dummies

Shop selections

Site map, useful links

I will end this page with the useful links, you will find our coordinates in the Contact pagethe legal notices and what we do with your data in the Privacy Policy pageFinally links to our pages in the various social networks: