Our beautiful photos , here is the program: take photos, beautiful photos, then always more beautiful photos.

Nos belles photos

If this approach seems bizarre, it corresponds to a logical process of progression, step by step. ” Today more than yesterday and much less than tomorrow “, said Rosemonde Gérard. Your photos today will be better than those of yesterday and much worse than those of tomorrow.I specify that this article is imported from Photo-PassionsIn the list below, I have ordered the articles from newest to oldest.

File format

Nos belles photos JPG
Nos belles photos Développée

Here are two JPG images, extracted from a single shot. The one on the left is taken directly in JPG format, the camera compressed it as soon as it clicked. The one on the right is taken in RAW format, developed in TIFF format then retouched before being converted into JPG. We were able to optimize it before compression. We can archive TIFF intermediate format. You can then modify it again. I am not entering now into the processes that can allow these transformations. I will discuss them in future articles.

Our beautiful photos, the program

At first, we make the decision to acquire a device dedicated to photography. My article: Choosing your camera gives detailed information. Then, we will take a good resolution: take our camera to each exit. Better, we will go out to take pictures.Then, we will take control of our device. Know the usefulness of each wheel, each button, each function. Banish the “all automatic” mode to decide on the photo we want to take. 

Learn to compose. Master exposure factors (speed, aperture, sensitivity). Play on tones, vibrance or saturation.Finally, we will know the file formats and their characteristics. We will develop RAW files, retouch and archive TIFF formats, publish and share in JPG or PNG format.As you can see, the program is vast. I will develop it in the articles of this section. At first, it was to be called “the photographer’s studio”. Then, I preferred the title: “  Our beautiful photos  ”, more readable for search engines (don’t forget that we are on the WEB).

JI open a parenthesis. I publish this magazine out of passion but also so that it is seen. I work on the visibility of Photo-passions with the advice of my friend Frédéric Plisson from Mister index . WEB writing is not the same as literature writing. We often repeat the titles to allow the indexing of the pages, the sentences are short, there is a hierarchy of titles and subtitles which punctuate the articles. I ask your full indulgence if this prose upsets you.

Shooting and photo editing

I preferred to combine these two original blocks into a single section. Indeed, when shooting, we must bear in mind what will be our possibilities for developing and retouching the images. I will take a simple example: I compose my image with a monument, a tower, for example, which I place on a line of thirds. Damage ! there is on the left of the image a no entry sign (I find this kind of signage prohibitive in a photo). I know I can erase this panel in post processing. Therefore I will not change my previous composition. In case of absence of post-processing, I will move so as not to have the panel in my field of vision.

A word on the possessive adjective “  our  ” which precedes “beautiful photos”. I use it so that we always keep in mind that everyone should take the photos they like without worrying about fashions and trends. We should have no complex when leaving an exhibition to say that we found it ugly. Some institutions take pleasure in glorifying ugliness.Here is an example of a photo exhibited in a museum